Women's shoulder & shoulder door
Luxury shoulder bags
Initially introduced for its practical side, the handbag gradually turned into a real fashion accessory. A flagship element of an outfit and everyday life, it must be chosen with care. Size, color and finishes: your luxury leather bag Must be able to adapt to your style as much as to your life at 100 an hour. So when our favorite designers decline endlessly and in their own way the shoulder bag and the strap, we say yes!
Yves shoulder bags Saint Laurent
Unavoidable Loulou At monogram bag Saint Laurent, THE Classic bags YSL (Saint Laurent) are very beautiful options for women in search of practicality for their purchase of luxury bag.
Take the example of Loulou ysl bag : its chain and leather strap that can be worn cross-body or doubled on the shoulder shows that no detail has been left to chance YSL shoulder bags.
In addition to enjoying an Italian manufacture, the YSL monogram, just like the Niki medium ysl or the Jamie Ysl, can boast of a 100% leather composition.
Small bonus: difficult to resist the wallet Saint Laurent which will perfectly marry the pretty curves of your new bag.
Brand shoulder bags
Are you one of those who like to think outside the box? Just as iconic but rather disruptive, our selection of Bootga Veneta shoulder and shoulder bags could correspond more.
It is a safe bet that the Bottega Veneta bag bag will hit your eye. And if not him, then we put on the version Padded cassette Bottega Veneta.
You have not yet been stopped on the size of your future luxury bag ? Take the time to compare! On the side of Bottega Veneta house, see the Mini Jodie Bottega Veneta. And if you are a faithful ofYves Saint Laurent (House now more soberly renamed "Saint Laurent”), So these alternatives in mini format should please you: Loulou toy bag ysl Or Lou ysl.